viernes, 18 de febrero de 2011

The Rape of the Sabine

The Rape of the Sabine Women is an episode in the legendary history of Rome in which the first generation of Roman men acquired wives for themselves from the neighboring families Sabine.

After of the founding the Roma by Romulus and his mostly male followers. Wanted wives, the Romans negotiated a treatment with the Sabines, who populated who populated the area. Fearing the emergence of a rival society, the Sabines refused to allow their women

to marry the Romans; consequently, the Romans planned to abduct Sabine

women. Romulus devised a festival of Neptune Equester , many people from Rome's neighbours attended, including the Sabines. At the festival Romulus gave a

signal, at which the Romans grabbed the Sabine women and fought off the Sabine men.

But Romulus offered them free choice and promised civic and property rights to women.

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