lunes, 21 de febrero de 2011
The rape of Sabines

The Rape of the Sabine Women (Adrián)

Racist Incident (Adrián)

About a year ago an incident occurred in the underground of Barcelona. A men assaulted a young South American girl giving several kicks in her face and telling her to go to her country.
The train wagon was almost empty and no one helped the girl for fear of being attacked.
All this was recorded a video survcillance camera in the same car and so we know everything which happened.
the racism

racism is the discrimination of a person for being of another religion, colour, etc...
the rape of the sabine women

The rape of sabines is a myth that explains how the Romans kidnapped the women of the Sabine tribu.
The legend explains that, the romans organized sport tests. To the games came many villages and the sabinos with their wives and children.
Every roman took a woman by force and after kidnapped he.
Later the Sabines boys attacked the Romans putting them the capitol. When the sabines women saw they would kill all over the people, they said: if they killed the sabines would lose fathers and brothers and if they killed the romans we will lose husbands and sons.
They signed peace with a banquet of reconciliation. And Romulo and Tito, kings of Roma and Sabinia, signed the peace until tito was died.
domingo, 20 de febrero de 2011
The Rape of Sabine women

Romulus and his men most women looking for some nearby village his people to repopulate and ensure the the future of themselves and its peopleRomulus saw that he had to organize a festival of Neptune Equesterfor women from other villages come.They were all people, both women, children and husbands at the party
and all were distracted.
Romulus nodded his men for them to grab by force Sabine women and kill their husbands
The last Monday

"The rape of the Sabine women"

The neighbours town scorned at Roman requests to marry their women, but the Sabine accepted an invitation to a huge religious celebration for Neptun. In the party, the Romans rushed in and abduced the Sabine women, who were kidnapped forced to marry their rapists.
The Sabine were horrified at this breach and went home to prepare for a war. The Sabine women, later, had reconcilied with their now husbands, and the battle was stopped before started by placing themselves inbetween the two battle groups.
The Romans and the Sabines were reconcilied and the city of Rome could continue on the path to greatness.
sábado, 19 de febrero de 2011
The rape of the sabine woman

The rape of the Sabine describes the abduction of women from the tribe of the sabines by the founders of Rome.

High school can be a very hard for some teens. when I started high school I went to a school where there were many whites and they didn't accept people of color. when I went to school the guys were offending and bothering me and sometimes they said to me that blacks persons couldn't be at their high and the blecks persons aren't persons. At my school I had a friend named Ruth, she was very good with me and sometimes she defended me when the people spoke to me badly. Now I talk to teenagers to make them think about racism and to prevent some children to suffer what I did.
viernes, 18 de febrero de 2011
The Rape of the Sabine
The Rape of the Sabine Women is an episode in the legendary history of Rome in which the first generation of Roman men acquired wives for themselves from the neighboring families Sabine.
After of the founding the Roma by Romulus and his mostly male followers. Wanted wives, the Romans negotiated a treatment with the Sabines, who populated who populated the area. Fearing the emergence of a rival society, the Sabines refused to allow their women
to marry the Romans; consequently, the Romans planned to abduct Sabine
women. Romulus devised a festival of Neptune Equester , many people from Rome's neighbours attended, including the Sabines. At the festival Romulus gave a
signal, at which the Romans grabbed the Sabine women and fought off the Sabine men.
But Romulus offered them free choice and promised civic and property rights to women.
jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011


Racism is the belief that genetic factors are a race or nationality is a factor of duties and human skills and that difference can produce superiority in a particular race. An incident of Racism is the case of six black kids who put in jail for life for an alleged assault on a white classmate in Jena, Louisiana. A group of white students hung three nooses from a tree in front of Jena High School. This triggered racial tension and incidents that culminated in six Black students to life in prison for a fight in the playground. The school assembly, like the schoolyard where all of this had begun, was divided by race, with black students on one side and white students in the other. White students were admitted to them and never received anypunishment stronger. In another school holiday, white students beat them black students and threatened with a shotgun. Then the black students got into a fight with a white student, six Black youths were charged with attempted murder, and now face a lifetime in jail.
Racist incident


A racist act is when a person discriminates aganist another because of different cultures, color or country..
Me and the racism

When I was a child, in my first grade of school, in my class we had a new partner, a chinese child called Xiao-Ley.