domingo, 10 de abril de 2011
Leaving Home

viernes, 8 de abril de 2011
My friend is in love

Yesterday, my friend Timmy Turner left home. He went to live with a girl who I dont know her name. When Timmy said that to his parents, they were disappointed because Timmy turner left home without finishing school.
They told Timmy literally "Son ... we're disappointed, " Timmy hung his head and he called the love of his life. Nobody knows why he left home. But I know the reseaon.
Timmy Turner hates his parents. Because his parents are always away on business and Timmy is alone at home with a bad babysitter who is rude to Timmy.
When he was finished eating. he went to his girlfriend’s home g,she died in a car accident when she ran to embrace him. Timmy Turner returned to home crying.
And now he isn’t in love.

Ruben is a normal boy, but every day the same scene cries but the quarrels come to a sticky end because his father hits his mother.
Finally Ruben decided to flee and at night after another quarrel, he escaped for the window…
He walked during the night and in the morning he arrived in the beach. He contemplated the sun and for a moment he didnd' t remember his problems. Ruben slept on the ground and the next day the police found him. The things didn´t change and the quarrels continued but whenever his parents began another discussion Ruben escaped again to the beach where he looked at the sun and the ocean.
jueves, 7 de abril de 2011
She is living home.

She is leaving Home

She is leaving home!!

It is a history about one girl who decided to leave home because she argued a lot of with her parents. She is very stubborn because her friends said: " Come back to your house "but she said NO.
My parents didn't love me.This happened a Monday at 8 o'clock. She decided to return home, but now it wouldn' t be the same because she is older and she thinks :I am older I can do whatever I want" but it is not so.
She is leaving home
She is leaving home
This Is the story of one girl, whose parents never worry about her. One day she fell in love with a man, and it’s the mechanic’s boss. Her parents don’t agree with this love, because her parents are in the high society, and don’t want a marriage with a working class family.
The girl and the man from the motor trade are in love.She tries to explain what she feels toward the man from the motor trade, and her parents don’t understand her, and she decided to leave home and go with the man. And on a Wednesday morning she left her house.
By:Joan Llucià
domingo, 3 de abril de 2011
the rape of sabinas
He appointed a lot of men called "Founding Fathers" or Patricio to ensure order and security in this new city. But there was the biggest problem: in Rome there weren't many women. After many meetings to solve the problem, Romulo decided to visit nearby villages and explained his intentions. But the romans were rejected, nobody accepted their offers because no father wanted to give no their daughters away.

So Romulo organized agreat horse racing and he invited neighborings villages. While wholes families were entertained by participating in the competitions of the big event, Romulo's men kidnapped all the girls they found and hid them. The neighbors were furious and only thought of revenge. At first, the girls were scared but eventually they fell in love and decided to form families in their new homes.
Therefore, the neighboring Sabines used Tito Lazio, kind of the Sabinas, to rescue their daughters. One day, Tito Lazio saw a young girl called Tarpeya, she was the roman mayor's daughter, and he promised give to her a lot of gold if she opened the doors of the wall of Rome at mignight. Later he killed her. At this moment, Romans and Sabines began to fight but the Sabine girls become asked them to stop. They didn't want to stay orphands or widows. So Romulo and Tito Lazio signed an aliance that brought them together forever. Finally, Lazio and Romulo ruled together until the death of Lazin; Romuo was the kind of the Romans and Sabinas.
the racism

The next day the teacher sent him out to the board and the child came. Everyone called him "dirty gypsy"!. After an hour... ring, ring...! came recess. The child was askes one boy to let him play football and he said no, the stain the ball.
All child in class would were a football team but the goalkeeper lacked. At that moment, the gypsy drooped another child the ball and caught it. He trouched the ball. They realized He was a good player, cheered and wanted to play with him.
At this is just racism at a school in Barcelona.