viernes, 3 de diciembre de 2010


Milkshake is a sweet,cold berevage which is made from milk, ice cream or iced milk.The therm "milkshake " was first used in 1885, milkshake was an alcoholic wiskey drink.
But in 1900, the term referred to drinks made of chocolate,strawberry or vainilla.

In the early 1900s people were asking with ice cream.
In the late 1930s, newspaper articles show the the term "FRUSTED" was used to refer a milkshake with ice-cream.

The popular places to drink milkshake were Woolwarn's (retail company originaly from America), diner,burgers and soda fountains.
Nowaday new types of milkshake have desenveloped.

Andriy Ayyala - PepsiCola

PepsiCola originated in California, 1883 created by Caleb Bradham. Pepsi, firstly, was a pharmaceutical product to treat digestive transtorns.
After 27 years of fame, at 1931 a Sweet Company "Loft Candy" bougth that product with the name of "Papsi Cola".
Pepsi Cola became famous for its commercial advertisement. That was translated to 55 different languages and the slogan of that was very catchy. Pepsi is cheaper than CocaCola, this is another reason of the fame of PepsiCola.

jueves, 2 de diciembre de 2010

Gazpacho Eva Garcia Calvo

Gazpacho is a cold Spanish tomato-based raw vegetables soup,originating in the Souther of Andalusia.
Gazpacho is widely consumed thoughout sapin,neihboring Portugal and parts of Latin America.
Gazpacho is mostly consumed during the summer months,due to cold temeperture and accidic bite.
Gazpacho has ancient roots.There are a number of theories of its origin,including as an Arab soup of bread,olive oil,water and garlic that arrived in Spain with the Moors,or via the Romans with the addition of vinagar.

Pony Malta

Pony Malta

In 1953 the Bavarian company Colombiana SA launche new product pony malta to the formulation of which consulted the national institute of nutrion which suggested that their nutrional content covering one third of daily requiremen per person for the benefit of the colombian people
The pony malta is made using malted barley, sugar, vitamins, natural coloring agents, acidulants, flavors and emulsifiers certificates. It contains no chemical preservatives and remains biologically through a strict process of pasteurization. For the components used in its manufacture, this drink provides a considerable amount of calories, plus vitamins (riboflavin, thiamine and niacin), proteins and minerals.

Chesse originated in central Asia around 8000 BC. It was discovered by an Arab merchant. He put milk in a bowl of lamb's stomach and started his long journey throught the desert. To spend the day, he was hungry and when he wanted to drink milk he saw it was coagulated and fermented.
The milk had become a cheese.